Summer to-do List

Every year when summer rolls around, I make mental plans of everything I need to do, but then fall rolls around and none of those things have been accomplished. I decided to put my summer to-do list on paper, there are several items on my list, but these five I thought will be fun to share with you.

Let's Discuss Health & Fitness...

This is Health and Fitness month on RDRB. I am getting back into my workout routine and making better decisions about what I eat, so I thought I would dedicate a post per week for the entire month of June to share some health and fitness tips that have worked for me.  Also, if you have not noticed, I have a new category on the blog - Health and Fitness. I plan to post healthy recipes, routines, tips every few weeks. We are kicking things off today by sharing my fitness philosophy. This is what I have found works for me