
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel and food. Hope you have a nice stay!


It is hard to believe we are already five days into 2018.

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2017 was the year of stepping out of my comfort zone and moving the London was the biggest step I have taken in my adult life to date. The move has come with its share of challenges and three months in - there are still days of doubt about the right decision to move here. Add to that the insecurity of starting something new and you have the perfect recipe for more panic attacks than I have ever had combined. Although those moments were tiresome; I was reminded of my need for God. The scripture in the bible that says "give us this day, our daily bread" never meant more to me than in the last two months of 2017 because I had to daily seek God for strength; wisdom; and grace to get through the day. There were days I struggled to see any good in the year. However, a perfectly timed trip to the motherland forced me to take a break and get some perspective that confirmed without a doubt 2017, in spite of the challenges, was an incredible year.

Portland, Oregon

The year kicked off with a chance work opportunity in Portland and Sao Paulo. Both cities have been the bucket list for ages. Due to the work commitments, I did not have any time to explore. However, I needed to eat (three times a day) and food became the medium by which I explored both cities. The food in Portland and Sao Paulo was incredible and getting to got to work alongside some incredible folks was cherry on top, especially in Brazil. With that experience, I cannot wait to visit Sao Paulo on my own time and to explore the rich culture and history of the city.

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Sao Paulo

In May, I celebrated a birthday. It was not a milestone birthday, but this was very special for me. I had a special birthday photo shoot with the talented mozdeb behind the lens; celebrated the union of dear friends and at the end of the month, my friend "G" planned a birthday celebration dinner for me. Dinner and Karaoke with four friends - sounds simple, but it is one of my most cherished birthdays (to date) and memories of 2017.

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June was the month of travel - I spent the entire month out of town on work and personal trips, including seven days in Hawaii. Most of the time was spent on work but I scheduled two personal days to explore Honolulu. I have never experienced anything quite like Hawaii and I find myself constantly apologizing for ever uttering the words - "why will I fly eight hours to go to Hawaii; when I could easily be on another continent in the same amount of time?". I will hop on a flight to Hawaii on a moments notice. Hoping to visit again soon to explore other Islands.

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I finally made it to Disney in September. It only took thirty (plus) years and I was not disappointed. It really is the most wonderful and magical place in the world. The avatar ride at the Animal Kingdom was incredible and the fireworks display was unbelievable. I will return just for the fireworks show.


In October, I packed up my eleven years of living in Dallas to relocate to London. I still have mixed feelings about the move and there is not a week I don't question if I made the right decision. I am learning to navigate it one day at a time. In spite of the challenges and doubt, every time I walk to the station to head home. It is with a grateful heart that I get to do life in this city. 

The best part of the year also happened in October. The family added one more by way of marriage. I am thankful every day for my sister who has been a blessing in every way. With everything that has not gone right with the move to London, I am so glad to have her as a support system.


I was blessed to wind down 2017 in the Company of some of my favorite people in the city that holds a piece of my heart. Nothing compares to ushering in a new year in Lagos (yet). I reconnected with family; explored new parts of the city. Lagos is home; home is where the heart is and being there made my heart whole. 


Excited for what 2018 has in store. I have hopes and aspirations for the year and I spent the better part of this week crafting my goals for the year.   The rest of this month will be spent strategizing on how to get those goals to reality. Hoping all of the hard work behind the scenes is in the content on this space in 2018.
